Sunday, March 7, 2010

I ran across this online which I thought was interesting since we have been talking about graffiti in class. New apartments on Georgia Ave and New Hampshire gets tagged with Graffiti....

Graffiti has to be seen as a form of expression, (including the stuff pictured here) it's quite uninteresting to see on a new apartment building. This distinguishes it from outright vandalism and other forms of property crime. This is not to excuse or protect that graffiti should be put anywhere but the distinction should infrom efforts to prevent or redirect of the impulse. Why do teenagers choose such an antisocial means of bringing these thoughts into the open? Why don't they just rant and rave on message boards and blogs?


  1. ...yeah, and they put upa garbage piece. NO TALENT!

  2. Well for most teenagers living in the district I am sure not many or any of them are online to write blogs. Maybe on facebook or myspace. But for the most part their just taging their names or neighbohoods any where just to be noticed. When I was in DCPS on almost every bathroom stall, lunch tables or back hallway we had scribbles of a "hood", gang, or person. After awhile I became so use to the writings that I could identify the neighbohhod by cliques in the school. For example if I knew a certain crew sat at a particula section in the cafe and I sat there for lunch and saw the writings on the table I already had a pic in my mind of who it was that drew it. And even outside on brand new apt buildings is wrong but other neighbohood kids will see it and be like oh thats so and so they were around here or what ever. Its a case of identity to maybe their rival neighborhoods.

  3. I think the Writers should have the right to write here. I assume that these apartments were put in a neighborhood that is losing the housing that it has had for the last 40 years. Fight the power!!

  4. I agreed with the first comment, cool graffiti should not be any problem on the street if the artist put time and effort for it, but if people just do so just to harm the property there's no valid excuse for it. I believed graffiti is a way to express yourself in a healthy manner not to harm others.


  6. I think it's a good idea that artists should use blogs and other internet networks as an avenue to express their artwork and ideas. I also agree with youngworld in saying that the issue with that is that many young people lack the resources and internet access to even begin to think about blogging. When they do get the chance to use a computer, their time is limited, which limits the activities and things that they do online. But, something has to give ! People CANNOT go around defacing new property, I'M GLAD I'M NOT A NEW TENANT IN THAT BUILDING ! I would be giving the building owner hell !
    Great post and great idea FlySky !

  7. Looney &^%? What is it supposed to read? Hey now I consider myself to be an artsy type of women. I apprecite freedom of expression. What is this saying? I would not give this a second look. Rant and rave -- where is the messgae here? I read an article online posted two summers ago. In LA business owners hire mural painters. Taggers respect them. However shop owners have to obtain permits. Even with the permit the city can still fine and/or order jail time for "excessive signage." Even real artists can't win.

  8. Excellent discussion here . . .but I agree with the Fraggle . . . this ain't even art. It's a whack throw up . .. worst than my elephant in class.
